Child Support Public Policy (Table of Contents)
Table of Contents for Office of Recovery Services/Child Support Services, Volume 2, Public Online Policy Manual
General Program Administration
- CS 002P Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect
- CS 004PCommunication with Customers
- CS 005PPublic Assistance Fraud
- CS 008PProtocol for Working with the Attorney General’s Office (AGO)
Records Access and Management
- CS 021PGovernment Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA)
- CS 022PDisclosure of Private Address Information
- CS 026PRestricted Information
- CS 032PAvailability of Case Information for Hearings
- CS 034PDisclosure of Wage Information
- CS 035PDisclosure of Information - Outgoing Intergovernmental Referrals
- CS 040PSummons, Subpoenas or Orders Served upon the Office of Recovery Services
Case Management
- CS 056PCase Assignment and Case Transfer
- CS 057PSpousal Support (Alimony)
- CS 059PApplicant/Recipient Cooperation – General Information, Forms, Specified
Relative - CS 059P-1IV-A Applicant/Recipient Cooperation Requirements and Department of
Workforce Services (DWS) Non-Participation Assessment - CS 059P-2Applicant/Recipient IV-A Administrative Review,Adjudicative Proceeding
- CS 059P-3Non-IV-A Medicaid-only Applicant/Recipient Cooperation Requirements
- CS 059P-4Non-IV-A Applicant Cooperation Requirements
- CS 061PCase Closure Overview
- CS 062PSuspending Cases
- CS 064PRetained Support Debt, Obligations and Case Closure
- CS 065PChild Care Collection Services, Non-IV-A Cases
- CS 067PTermination of Parental Rights and Adoption
- CS 068PContinuing Services
- CS 069PRetained Support Sanctions
- CS 070PPrivate Agents in Non-IV-A Cases/Protocol for Dealing with Private
Attorneys - CS 071PCredit Bureau Access
- CS 072PIn-Kind Support and Proof of Direct Payments
- CS 074PFederal and State Case Registry
- CS 074P-1Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs)
- CS 075PSafeguarding Case Information
- CS 076PRelease of Case Information Based on Parent-time Order
- CS 077PRequests to Forward Letters/Packages to Case Participants
- CS 078PSafe at Home Program
- CS 085PInterest
- CS 089PDe Novo Review
Administrative Review and Request for Agency Action (RAA)
- CS 090PRequest for Agency Action (RAA) Overview
Case Initiation
- CS 103POpening a New Children in Care (CIC) Case
- CS 104POpening a Support Follows the Child Case
- CS 104P-1Opening a IV-A Support Follows the Child Case
- CS 104P-2Opening a Non-IV-A Support Follows the Child Case
- CS 104P-3Support Follows the Child Contesting Options
- CS 105PReinstating Closed Cases
- CS 120PChild Support Services/Children in Care (CSS/CIC) Case Coordination,
Overview - CS 125PChild Support Services/Children in Care (CSS/CIC) Intergovernmental Cases
- CS 140PLocating a Noncustodial Parent
- CS 143PUse of Subpoena Duces Tecum
- CS 144PState Parent Locate Services (SPLS)
- CS 145PFederal Parent Locator Services (FPLS)
- CS 146PFederal Parent Locator Services (FPLS) Locate Only Services
- CS 147PLocate Only: Parental Kidnapping, Child Custody or Visitation
(Parent-time) Determination - CS 148PNew Hire Reporting
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA)
- CS 150PGeneral Information and Definitions
- CS 151PORS Duties and Federal Timeframes
- CS 152PNondisclosure Order
- CS 153POrder and Paternity Establishment
- CS 154PDetermination of Controlling Order (DCO) Overview
- CS 154P-1Determination of the Controlling Order (DCO) –Initial Review
- CS 154P-2Determination of the Controlling Order (DCO)Procedures – Utah Conducts
Review - CS 154P-3Determination of the Controlling Order (DCO)Procedures – Another State
Conducts the DCO - Utah Responds to Notice of Preliminary Determination - CS 154P-5Determination of the Controlling Order (DCO)Procedures – Reconciliation
of Arrears (ROA) - CS 155PChoice of Law
- CS 156PDirect Income Withholding
- CS 156P-2Direct Income Withholding, Employer Responsibilities
- CS 156P-3Direct Income Withholding, NCP Contests
- CS 157PEnforcement - Registration of a Support Order
- CS 157P-1Enforcement - International Cases
- CS 158PContinuing, Exclusive Jurisdiction
- CS 159PReview and Adjustment
- CS 159P-1Intergovernmental Review and Adjustment –Modification-Only Request
- CS 160PRules of Evidence
- CS 161PCommunication between Tribunals and Assistance withDiscovery
- CS 191PNational Intergovernmental Case Reconciliation (ICR)
- CS 200PFull Faith and Credit for Support Orders
Incoming Intergovernmental
- CS 201PCentral Registry Responsibilities
- CS 202PCase Processing Procedures
- CS 203PNon-IV-A Incoming Intergovernmental
Native American Cases
- CS 210PNative American Cases
- CS 210P-1Navajo Nation
- CS 210P-3Other Utah Tribes
- CS 211PTribal IV-D Agencies
Outgoing Intergovernmental Cases
- CS 220PLong-Arm
- CS 221PIn-State Remedies on Out-of-State Cases
- CS 222PIntergovernmental Referral Methods
- CS 222P-1Complaint Procedures
Child Support Enforcement Network (CSENet)
- CS 230PCSENet Processes - General
International Intergovernmental Cases
- CS 250PInternational Enforcement Resources
- CS 251PInternational Case Processing Overview
- CS 252PInternational Case Processing under Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
(UIFSA) Article 7 - Overview - CS 253PInternational Case Processing – Foreign Reciprocating Countries
Establishment of Paternity
- CS 300PFederal Regulations and State Laws
- CS 301PContact with the Mother
- CS 302PContact with the Alleged Father
- CS 305PPaternity: Adjudicated, Presumptive and Declarant Fathers
- CS 306PAlleged Father in Home
- CS 307PAlleged Father Applicant
- CS 308PMultiple Consorts
- CS 309PMother or Alleged Father is an Unemancipated Minor
- CS 310PMother or Alleged Father is Deceased
- CS 311PAssisted Reproduction and Gestational Agreements
- CS 315PVoluntary Declaration of Paternity by Parents
- CS 319PIssuing Temporary Child Support Orders in Paternity Cases
- CS 328PIntergovernmental
- CS 329PPaternity Disestablishment, Overview
- CS 329P-1Paternity Disestablishment, Rescission of the “Affidavit of Voluntary
Declaration of Paternity by Parents” - CS 329P-2Paternity Disestablishment, Judicial Order Required
- CS 329P-3Paternity Disestablishment, Amending Administrative Orders Based on
Genetic Test Results - CS 329P-4Paternity Disestablishment, Genetic Testing After the Order
Establish Order
- CS 350PFederal Regulations and State Laws
- CS 352PAdministrative Process
- CS 354PReferral to the Attorney general’s Office (AGO) for Order Establishment
- CS 355PPrior Order: Establishing/Modifying a New Order
- CS 356PSpecified Relative Cases: Overview
- CS 356P-1Specified Relative Cases, Case Initiation
- CS 356P-2Specified Relative Cases, No existing Order or One-Parent Order,
Paternity and Order Establishment - CS 356P-3Specified Relative Cases, Enforcement Existing Orders and Support Follows
the Child - CS 356P-4Specified Relative Cases, Medical Support
- CS 356P-5Specified Relative Cases, Review and Adjustment
- CS 356P-6Specified Relative Cases, Continuing Services
- CS 357PAdding an Additional Child to an Existing Order
- CS 370PAdministrative Hearing Request and Preliminary Conference
- CS 371PCase Preparation for Administrative Hearing
- CS 372PAdministrative Hearings
- CS 381PRegistration of Administrative Orders with the State Case Registry
- CS 382PReconsideration
- CS 383PSet Aside Default Orders
- CS 384PAmending Administrative Orders
- CS 385PAlternative to Setting Aside Administrative Orders
- CS 387PJudicial Review of Administrative Hearings
- CS 390PRetained Support Procedures
Child Support Guidelines
- CS 401PDefinitions
- CS 403PIncome
- CS 403P-1Determining Income for Guideline Worksheets
- CS 405PEither Parent Low Income
- CS 407PHealth Insurance, Medical Expenses and Insurance Credit
- CS 411PAccountability of Support Provided
- CS 413PExtended Parent-time
- CS 415PChildren and Income in Excess of Tables
- CS 417PEmancipation
- CS 419PChild Support Worksheets
Review/Adjustment of a Support Award
- CS 450PGeneral Information and Federal Timeframes
- CS 450P-1Initiating a Review and Pre-request Procedures
- CS 450P-2Procedures for 3-Year Review
- CS 450P-3Procedures for Less Than 3-Year Review
- CS 450P-4Procedures to Adjust Judicial Order – Attorney General’s Office (AGO)
Referral - CS 450P-5Procedures to Adjust a Child Support Services (CSS) Administrative Order
- CS 450P-6Procedures to Adjust a Children in Care (CIC) Administrative Order
- CS 450P-7Child Support Awards – Out-of- State-Orders or Out-of-State Parties;
Specified Relative Cases - CS 450P-8Child Support Awards – Downward Modification Results in Overpayment of
Current Support Due - CS 450P-9Procedures for Review and Adjustment – Noncustodial Parent Is
Incarcerated - CS 451PReview and Adjustment (Modification) of a Support Order to Include
MEDICAL Support Only
Medical Support
- CS 480PGeneral Description of IV-D Medical Support Services
- CS 482PSecuring a Medical Insurance Provision in the Support Order
- CS 484PGathering and Disseminate Medical Insurance Information
- CS 490PEnforcement of Medical Insurance
- CS 492PManual National Medical Support Notice (NMSN) – Procedures
- CS 493PEmployer/Plan Administrator Responsibility – National Medical Support
Notice (NMSN) - CS 494PContesting a National Medical Support Notice (NMSN)
- CS 495PCollecting Court Ordered Medical Support
- CS 496PInsurance from a Military Parent
Payment Processing
- CS 505PAssignment of Support Rights
- CS 507PVoluntary Payment – No Support Order
- CS 512PChild Receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- CS 535PDistribution of Collections
- CS 537PDistribution of All Payments other than Discounted Settlements and Federal
Tax Intercept Payments - CS 540PDistribution of Discounted Settlements
- CS 541PDistribution of State Tax Intercept Payments
- CS 543PDistribution of Federal Tax Intercept Payments
- CS 555PDistribution Overrides
- CS 560PBad Checks
- CS 565PManual Payment Transfers
- CS 578PCoordination of Overpayment Obligations
- CS 583PLost/Forged Warrants
- CS 585PCosts and Fees
- CS 590PRetained Support
- CS 600PUnreimbursed Assistance (URA)
- CS 603P$50.00 Refund to AFDC Household
- CS 615PNotice of Collections and Payments to IV-D Custodial Parents
State Tax Intercept
Federal Tax Intercept
- CS 670PCriteria
- CS 670P-1Economic Impact Payments (CARES Stimulus Payments)
- CS 671PNotice of Offset
- CS 673PIntergovernmental Cases
- CS 674PFederal Tax Review
- CS 675PCertification Updates
- CS 676PUnobligated Spouse
- CS 677PEarned Income Credit
- CS 678PRefunds to the Noncustodial Parent
Payment Methods on Past-Due Support
- CS 700POverview, Payment Methods
- CS 700P-1Payment in Full at 100% or Discounted Settlement
- CS 700P-2Monthly Arrears Payment Options and Procedures
- CS 700P-3Discharge/Forgiveness of Arrears
- CS 700P-4Reassessment of Arrears Payment
- CS 701PPayment Methods, Contesting Payment Schedule
- CS 702PSpecial Circumstances, Non-custodial Parent Receiving Cash Assistance
- CS 704PSpecial Circumstances: Prisoners
- CS 705PSpecial Circumstances: Prisoner Forgiveness Program
- CS 707PSpecial Circumstances: Individuals Participating in Mental Health or
Substance Abuse Treatment Programs - CS 708PSpecial Circumstances: Uncollectible Arrears Only Cases
- CS 710PLimitations on Collections of Arrears
Income Withholding
- CS 720PGeneral Information
- CS 720P-1Definitions
- CS 720P-2Forms and Packets
- CS 720P-3Spousal Support and Medical Support
- CS 720P-4Employer/Agency Customer Service Unit
- CS 720P-5Administrative Withholding Error
- CS 721PImmediate Income Withholding
- CS 722PDelinquency Based Income Withholding
- CS 723PGood Cause Finding or Written Agreement
- CS 730PIncome Withholding and Non-IV-D cases
- CS 731PNoncustodial Parent Requests Voluntary Withholding
- CS 732PAutomated Notice to Withhold, General
- CS 734P-1Notice to Withhold, Workers’ Compensation (WC)
- CS 734P-2Notice to Withhold, Social Security Benefits
- CS 734P-3Notice to Withhold, Veteran’s Benefits
- CS 735PNotice to Withhold, Procedures for Unemployment Compensation
- CS 742PReview Process
- CS 745PTermination of Income Withholding
- CS 746PReinstatement of Income Withholding
- CS 748PPayer Fails to Withhold or Remit
- CS 750PAutomatic Payment Withdrawal
Enforcement of Support Obligation
- CS 800PFederal Regulations
- CS 801PGeneral Enforcement
- CS 802PAnnual Notice of Past-due Child Support, General
- CS 802P-2Annual Notice of Past-due Child Support, Contesting Options and Reviews
- CS 802P-3Annual Notice of Past-due Child Support: Civil or Criminal Referrals to
the Attorney General’s Office (AGO); Intergovernmental Cases - CS 803PElectronic Reporting of Liens to Court, Definitions,Criteria and General
- CS 803P-2Electronic Reporting of Liens to Court, Enforcement, Intergovernmental, Satisfaction of Judgment-Lien
Information - CS 805PFinancial Institution Data Matching
- CS 806PNotice of Lien-Levy, Financial Institutions
- CS 806P-1Notice of Lien-Levy, Financial Institutions - Procedures: Issuing a
Lien-Levy - CS 806P-2Notice of Lien-Levy, Financial Institutions – Procedures: Review and
Follow-up - CS 806P-3Notice of Lien-Levy, Financial Institutions – Procedures:
Intergovernmental Cases - CS 807PNotice of Lien-Levy, Other than Financial Institutions
- CS 808PEnforcement on an Order Issued in Another State
- CS 809PCredit Bureau Reporting
- CS 810PEnforcement of a Mediation Agreement
- CS 812PDuration of Child Support Judgments
- CS 818PSupport Follows the Child: Post Order, Legal Custody Determined
- CS 819PSupport Follows the Child: Post Order, Legal Custody Has Not Been
Determined - CS 827PExecution on Personal Property: General
- CS 836PSupplemental Proceedings
- CS 838PCivil Contempt for Non-Payment of Child Support
- CS 844PCriminal Nonsupport
- CS 844P-1Criminal Nonsupport: State Prosecution Procedures
- CS 844P-2Criminal Nonsupport: Phases of Criminal Nonsupport Cases and Procedures
- CS 844P-3Criminal Nonsupport: Federal Prosecution Procedures
- CS 845PDriver License Suspension - Overview
- CS 845P-1Driver License Suspension - Criteria
- CS 847PDivision of Wildlife Resources (DWR) Restrictions
- CS 850PPassport Denial/Renewal/Revocation
- CS 852PChild Receiving Benefits Based on the Noncustodial Parent’s Social
Security or Veterans Benefits - CS 860PPosting Bond or Security
- CS 870PMedicaid-eligible Non-custodial Parent in Nursing Home
- CS 880PRetained Support - Enforcing Repayment Agreements
- CS 890PBankruptcy – Overview, Definitions, Forms, Screen, and Alerts/Events
- CS 890P-1Bankruptcy – General Information and Voice Case Information System (VCIS) Instructions
- CS 890P-2Bankruptcy – Pre-Order Procedures
- CS 890P-3Bankruptcy – Chapter 7 Procedures
- CS 890P-4Bankruptcy – Chapter 11 Procedures
- CS 890P-5Bankruptcy – Chapter 13 Procedures
- CS 890P-6Bankruptcy – Proof of Claim Procedures
- CS 890P-7Bankruptcy – Attorney General’s Office (AGO) Referrals, Duration of Judgment, and Bankruptcy Completed/Dismissed
Children in Care (CIC) Case Management
- CS 1085PAdoption Assistance
- CS 1086PGuidelines for Charging Support
- CS 1087PGuardianship Placement
- CS 1088PGood Cause Waiver
Children in Care (CIC) Case Initiation
- CS 1104PEnforcing an Existing Order on a Children in Care(CIC) Case
Children in Care (CIC) Paternity
- CS 1305PAdjudicated, Presumed, and Declarant Fathers
- CS 1316PAdministrative Notice of Agency Action (NAA) –Paternity and Child Support
- CS 1329PPaternity Rescinded
Children in Care (CIC) Establish Order
- CS 1352PAdministrative Process
- CS 1354PReferral to the Attorney General’s Office for Order Establishment
- CS 1364PAdministrative Stipulation
- CS 1366PDetermining Arrears for a First-time Child Support Order
- CS 1371PCase Preparation for Administrative Hearing
- CS 1373PAdministrative Hearing Order
- CS 1382PReconsideration
- CS 1387PJudicial Review of Administrative Order for CIC Cases
Children in Care (CIC) Payment Processing
- CS 1600PChildren in Care (CIC) Support Exceeds the Grant for Foster Care Cases
Children in Care (CIC) Enforcement of Support Obligation
- CS 1816PChildren in Care (CIC) Satisfaction of Judgment
- Appendix A-PAcronyms and Glossary of the Office of Recovery Services/Child Support
Services (ORS/CSS) Terms - Appendix E-PFederal Parent Locator Service (FPLS)
- Appendix G-PChild Support Guideline Worksheet and Instructions
- Appendix I-PChild Support Tables
- Appendix R-PReasonable Necessities and Child Care Allowance Chart
- Appendix T-PFederal Performance Standards for IV-D Child Support