Child Support Services
Public Policy Manual

Public Policy Manual

The Public Policy Manual offers detailed information about the Utah child support program.

The manual refers to legal structures that control Utah’s child support program. These legal structures include federal and state laws, rules, regulations, and guidance. 

Because those structures often change, we regularly update the manual to reflect those changes. The date of the last update appears at the top of each section.

The Public Policy Manual and ORS Internal Policies

The Public Policy Manual is a shorter version of the policy manual used by ORS caseworkers. 

It does not include information intended only for caseworkers. Examples of this kind of information include instructions for coding our computer system, details about processes, and references to specific forms.  

We use a conversational writing style in our policies. Part of our style is to address readers directly as “you.” For these public policies, the “you” is usually thought of as an ORS worker who is helping with a case.

Access the Public Policy Manual.